MUD SLIDES - Case Study of Aberfan


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The Risk and Society

How can society be made more aware of the risk?


Education is the key to preventing wholescale disaster in the near future.  The preservation of hillside, moderate use and acknowledging the risk will all prevent the loss of life. 
It is important to consider the limits of nature when considering the prevention of mus slides.  They are such that nature will always contribute to their enducement.  However, we as a society, must be more aware of slope operation and formulate a plan to maintain and protect slopes, whether they are situated near to dwellings or not.



Accesing everyone in modern society has never been easier.  However problems still exist in educating people in the Less Economically Developed World.  Although email, television and leaflets are now part of every day life for the population of the Western World.  the problem still remains as to how to succesfully work with more deprived communities to warn of the hazards.


Identifying potential problems -

Areas that are generally prone to landslide hazards include existing old landslides; the bases of steep slopes; the bases of drainage channels; and developed hillsides where leach-field septic systems are used.

Areas that are typically considered safe from landslides include areas that have not moved in the past; relatively flat-lying areas away from sudden changes in slope; and areas at the top or along ridges, set back from the tops of slopes.

Learn what to watch for prior to major landsliding. Look for patterns of storm-water drainage on slopes near your home, noting especially the places where runoff water converges, increasing flow over soil-covered slopes. Check hillsides around your home for any signs of land movement, such as small landslides or debris flows or progressively tilting trees.

Information from American Red Cross.